### Expected Behavior
The Swagger UI should be displayed when accessing its URL via browser (ending in `/swagger-ui`).
### Actual Behaviour
The Swagger UI is blank:
# Background
Currently there is no representation of users of any kind in the backend, this limits us from effectively doing a number of things
1. Rate limiting & denial of service protection
### Describe the bug
Hi Team ,
We are using quarkus platform version 3.2.0, and facing an issue with AWS DynamoDB local (version 2.0.0 , Ref - https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.amazonaws/Dy…
### Describe the bug
Enabling ```quarkus.security.jaxrs.default-roles-allowed=admin``` or ```quarkus.security.jaxrs.deny-unannotated-endpoints=true``` causes:
> Sibling values alongside $ref is ignored (type and description fields). Description is allowed along with $ref in openAPI3.1 version not in 3.0.x version.
Example is AddressRole, e.g. 103A.
Hey, I am new to Fastapi and am migrating from Flask to here.
I am trying to host my app on AWS Api gateway using Serverless & Gitlab CI/CD. I found that currently there is only [mangum](https://gi…
I use Avro schema to generate java classes used as Repsonse/Request objects.
Before version 5.x I had the following block of code that allowed me to ignore Avro-specific internal fields:
Union types can be described in OpenAPI with oneOf keyword.
But there is also very important oneOf property: discriminator.
##### 版本号:
jdk1.8 spring boot 2.6.3
##### 问题描述:
##### 错误日志&截图:
**Describe the bug**
When launching my project on Apple M1 hardware I get the following error:
(isagog-ai-py3.10) (base) bob@Roberts-Mac-mini isagog-ai % python src/isagog_api/nlp_api.py