This will contain compilation of documents in relation to migrating to .net core
**Storefront Issues**
1. Migrate OWIN implementation
**JWT - token based authentication in core**
I'm using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt middleware to authenticate request with JWT access token produced by IdentityServer. It works fine.
The only question I have is token signature validation. For n…
In our solution we use Microsoft.Owin.Security.Twitter for external authentification. If you click the Twitter-Button for the external authentification the application will freeze. A redirect t…
_Moved from https://github.com/aspnet-contrib/AspNet.Security.OAuth.Extensions/issues/51:_
I'm having an issue with OAuth Introspection from an MVC5 client using the Owin.Security.OAuth.In…
We use Kerberos authentication for Owin Server (self hosting). We have set up a middleware: https://github.com/SteveSyfuhs/Kerberos.NET/blob/master/Samples/KerberosMiddlewareEndToEndSample/K…
Using 0.5.4
I'm trying to use axios on my front end and fuel on the backend. Fuel Input::patch('param') will give me data from the form request of type patch. This is also true for PUT. Perhaps also …
I have downloaded the sample, built it and it worked. I substituted my tenant details and I was still able to login.
I then copied the various pieces of code over into my current project. Login fai…
I have the following scenario:
ApiIdentity -> it´s my IdentityServer (developed with .Net Core and IS4 packages)
Api1 -> it´s an simple api developed with .Net Core and IdentityServer4 token…
### Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
### To Reproduce
### Further technical details
- ASP.NET Core version
- Include the output of `dotnet --info`
When using Helios with OWIN, any middleware that does any enumeration/LINQ on the OWIN environment eg/`env.First()` results in an exception with the message `This API can only be called if the request…