This is a placeholder issue for other animation libraries we could possibly build demos with. This includes:
* Pixi.js: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/
* Just Animate: https://github.com/just-a…
I don't believe currently there is an implemented way to set the origin of a body. I believe traditionally physics engines prefer to have the origin of the body be the center of the body, as it repres…
## Version
* Phaser Version: 3.80.1
* Operating system: Windows
* Browser: All browsers
## Description
If you assign preFX to any gameObject in a scene that also contains a 3.8 spine …
The instantiation of Phaser.game({ context }) causes this error to display on android only.
Any information if there will be wp8 support?
So to be able use phaser
I got an error when I used mathphaser:
/share/home/yzwl_hanxs/anaconda3/envs/danbeixing/bin/meth_phaser_parallel:235: FutureWarning: When grouping with a length-1 list-like, you will need to …
We can look here for inspiration: http://phaser.io/examples
This Issue is about (pick one, ✏️ delete others)
* A bug in the API:
* Phaser version(s): 2.6.2 on demo page, 3.20.1 on my private project
* Live example: https://phaser.io/examples/v2/text/t…
For example, right now, I'm interested in getting my hands on an up-to-date set of externs for the phaser library. My understanding is that there are a variety of tools which automate the process of …
I have already a few use cases for general purpose, low-cost AWG.
One could use Phaser for that purpose, but most of these applications require DC coupling and output swing of +/-5V or so.