### Prerequisites
* [x] Did you read FAQ section? Yes
* [x] Did you test with the latest [releases](https://github.com/Nandaka/PixivUtil2/releases "latest releases") or [commit](https://github.com…
https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl and https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber and https://github.com/Xonshiz/comic-dl are the best downloaders in the field
언제나 고생이 많으십니다.
목록 상에는 완료라고 떠버리기 때문에 오류코드를 알려드릴 순 없지만, 증상을 말씀드리겠습니다.
.zip >>> .gif로 넘어가는 걸로 아는데, 이 과정을 생략한 채로 zip파일만 덩그러니 남겨진 채로 완료가 떠버리는 상황입니다.
위와 같이 뜨면서, 유투브랑 픽시브가 다운로드 되질 않습니다.
Error L:pixiv_https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=23181416
라고 뜨면서 픽시브 다운로드가 안되네요
설명서에 있는 pixiv_23181416 이런식으로 검색해도 다운로드가 안되구요
혹시 제가 잘못 하고 있는게 있나요?
id=2222&illust 라고 해도 됐었고 개떡같이 인식했는데
지금은 http https 뭐 바꿔봐도 안돼고 힝...
2018-11-16 23:05:00 [scrapy.core.scraper] ERROR: Error downloading
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/scrapy/core/downloader/middleware.py", line 43,…
Hey, I updated the pixiv downloader and realized that it automatically makes new folders for manga files. In older versions it wasn't like that, so I wanted to ask how can I avoid that? Thank you very…
Continuation of the old issue as a central place for any sort of question or suggestion not deserving their own separate issue.
#11 had gotten too big, took several seconds to load, and was closed …