Hi @miao0913 ,
Thanks for your code. When I check your "train.prototxt", the data type is "Data", so how to generate training data with "LMDB" as a suffix?
By the way, where is the "CrowdData" laye…
Which dataset do you use in path './ST_part_A/', is it ShanghaiTech_Crowd_Counting_Dataset? Best Regards.
Could you please share the link to ShanghaiTech dataset?
Thank you in advance.
Dear svishwa, I don't know how to devided train and test dataset of UCF_CC_50, could you please provide me the UCF_CC_50 data prepare codes, if available?
I was wondering if the ShahghaiTech crowd counting is publicly available ?
thank u for your sharing!
what is the size of the input image? need it to be cropped to one fixed size?
If the input is original size, when concat layer"conv4_3" and layer "conv_concat1_2x"…
XX-Net Status:
sys-platform: armv8l, Linux-3.18.41+-armv8l-with
os-system: Linux
os-version: #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 22 07:04:05 CST 2017
os-release: 3.18.41+
os-detail: Dist:; Version:; ID:
在使用 `Python3` 或 `wget` 进行登陆时,会出现以下错误:
CertificateError: hostname 'controller1.net.shanghaitech.edu.cn' doesn't match either of '*.shanghaitech.edu.cn', 'shanghaitech.edu.cn'
Hi svishwa,
Is there any script take an input image and return estimation map or count number?
Is this model accurate on sparse image?
cryax updated
6 years ago
I am getting the following error. Can you help. I changed the gpus=[1 2 3 4] to gpus=[1] in the hr_res101('train') because it was saying device id from 1:1 is needed. Now I am getting the following e…