I want to use Directory.current api to get the directory which mac app is started.While Directory.current in mac will get "/" or project home directory. I guess it caused by sandbox. But I don't know …
node network rpc is slow sometimes in China, please change a better one, or can someone create a better one?
max_gas 设置最大4000000000,用户数78,参考:https://github.com/starcoinorg/starcoin/commit/26b7500c4f6cf27d84f73fd3c4e5c2e34a319ad2
The diem commit c2d0499 has been revert temporarily.
Todo - remove the above WA and fix the break.
Looking through the package directory, I'm seeing a lot of spam packages. I've got a list of the bad packages and the shell commands that I used to find them below.
### Preparation
Network remote state reader 有一个 future 的 block 调用. see https://github.com/starcoinorg/starcoin/blob/b862c5cce6c2071c25af6ea59da6b612e5a04c11/network-rpc/api/src/remote_chain_state.rs#L61
这导致chain 在…
panic occurred:
details: panicked at 'attempt to subtract with overflow', sync/src/tasks/accumulator_sync_task.rs:78:14
backtrace: 0: 0x111f1fb9a - backtrace::backtrace::libunwind::trace::…
starcoin% chain epoch_info
"ok": {
"epoch": {
"block_difficulty_window": 24,
"block_gas_limit": 150000,
"block_time_target": 10000,
"end_block_number": 240,