_As a user of Waggle Dance_
_I'd like to get some meaningful error when the yml config has errors_
_So that I can debug it myself_
The yml config is sort of fiddly at times and when for instance …
When running a Presto query on a Hive view in Waggle Dance an error occurrs:
Hive views are not supported:
Sometimes (maybe caused by clicks or collisions) the player bee goes out of control and rapidly waggles off screen never to be seen again.
Hellow. Sensor SGPC3 works 15 hours but tVOC always equal 0 and when i read the baseline they to equal 0. Can you help me?
The CSSOM View Module redefines `pageX` and `pageY` as `double`. To make matters worse, IE 11 is prescient, and already treats them as such. IE 10 seems to exhibit the same issue.
(Crummy) SSCCE: o…
Here is the environment.
- waggle-dance version : 2.3.7 (also tested on 2.3.6)
- waggle-dance configuration
- database-resolution: PREFIXED
- primary-meta-store :
- hive & metastore…
When running a Presto Query on a table using a Bloom Filter Waggle Dance throws an error.
`BLOOM_FILTER stream type not implemented yet`
See attached for further details.
_As a developer_
_I'd like to be confident my tests can detect refactoring issues_
_So I can easily make code changes_
**Acceptance criteria**
Code coverage should be at least 80%
Below is a …
Waggle Dance federates to primary Metasotre `A` and foreign Metastore `B` (over SSH Tunnel through bastion host `BH`).
If for any reason, `BH` is down/unreachable or disallow SSH connecti…