**Have You Read Our Docs**
**Are You Reporting A Bug**
- Kext Version: 1.2-alpha
- WiFi Card Model: Ax200
- Product ID: 华硕B460i
- macOS Version:
### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 打包错误 / packaging error
### 受影响的软件包 / Affected packages
* baidunetdisk-bin
The package`baidunetdisk-bin` 3.3.2-1 does not contain `/usr/bin/baidunetdisk`…
### 问题类型 / Type of issues
* 过期软件包 / out-of-date packages
### 受影响的软件包 / Affected packages
* baidunetdisk-bin
最新版为 3.0.6, 可在 https://cdn-package-store6.deepin.com/appstore/pool/appstore/…
Can you share your file by another way?
can you offer me a complied UE by baidunetdisk or google?
Hi, Hao wang,
I am interested in your work ACGA and want to reproduce the experimental results presented on your paper, I have download the A2D extracted feature and JHMDB extracted feature from Ba…
In line 188 of wearmask.py, PIL's rotate function expects the rotation angle to be in degrees, but as np.arctan2 returns in units of radians, there is almost no rotation applied any time. This makes t…
Thanks for your code!
I have download the data from BaiduNetdisk
But how can I get the .hdf5 files to run Data_generated.py?
Could you please send it to me? My email is 1187976429@qq.com. Thank you…