On Mac OsX with a fresh Fiji.app (without JRE, local Java version 1.8.0_121):
1) launch Fiji.app
2) Help > Update ...
3) (in the update dialog) Manage update sites
4) check OMERO 5.4
5) close Fij…
The test suite can be extremly slow. [Example](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/davidsch/bout/build/681720/)
The reason is that mpich, and also openmpi, perform extremly badly in the case of…
The scaling factor of the drift vector, used in importance sampling, may deviate from the intended implementation of "eq. (34) *tau in Umrigar, JCP 99, 2865 (1993)". The deviation happens whenever the…
@stevenzhangdx I am starting on this, but have added you as an observer. May hand over to you for testing/etc.
A recent discussion on [neurostars](https://neurostars.org/t/consequence-of-using-single-float32-or-double-float64-precision-for-saving-interpolated-data/224) got me thinking about how we convert DICO…
I found that the S1 per-PMT map has a binning issue around `z=0`. The current map is generated with only 10 bins in z which causes the AFT map to have a continuous LXe/GXe transition instead of having…
You will see a starting point in `continuous_time_methods\matlab\tests\discretize_univariate_diffusion_test.m`
The goal is to fully test the `continuous_time_methods\matlab\lib\discretize_univariate_…
Hierarchical Bayesian version of drift diffusion models
### Checklist
- [x] Pull svn repo into git repo as development branch.
- [x] Rename `NEKCEM` as `NekCEM`. This way it will match with @Nek5000.
- [x] Add `README` and `LICENSE` file (BSD 3-clause…
Base this off of #8, though it could easily be done with the LCP.m based one.
Essentiallly, just do the finite differences with a fixed, but non-uniform grid. The key step will be that `dx` is a v…