while modding apps, many a times resources are removed or changed. These cause
resource errors while rebuilding. I suggest resources be mapped to R.XX.XXXX
mode while decoding to smali and then …
while modding apps, many a times resources are removed or changed. These cause
resource errors while rebuilding. I suggest resources be mapped to R.XX.XXXX
mode while decoding to smali and then …
And by _should_ I - obviously enough - mean **must** :D
To better ensure that it's keeping up with the latest archetype.
It's a less difficult task than it sounds.
You can always do a lot of (**not b…
How can I train model with my own dataset (e.g webFace) from scratch?
I would like to contribute by adding ML algorithms written from scratch this will help beginners to understand the algorithms deeply
Thank you for your great work. I wonder what is the performance on train from scratch for cifar10 & cifar100? Seems this model heavily relies on the pretrained weights.
_From [darcymason@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/darcymason@gmail.com/) on April 06, 2010 19:20:09_
Need documentation (and unit tests) for creating a DICOM file from scratch using pydicom
Would love to build a docker image to run a OHOL server so would you mind listing the steps to do this from scratch using your code please?
I wanted to ask if there is a way to resume radfact evaluation after report phrases generation. I have run phrases generation for quite a bit, but unfortunately the run subsequently failed.