Create a model with four fields:
**date_range** - a postgres specific data type that may help with finding date overlaps
**data** - any non-date properties as an object (json might work but it shoul…
Consider adding GeoDjango API for PostGIS data.
Turns out GeoDjango has the ogrinspect management script that can convert GeoJson into a model definition. This may (or may not) be better than loading to the database directly and creating models ba…
Create a model with four fields:
**date_range** - a postgres specific data type that may help with finding date overlaps
**data** - any non-date properties as an object (json might work but it shoul…
Create a model with four fields:
**date_range** - a postgres specific data type that may help with finding date overlaps
**data** - any non-date properties as an object (json might work but it shoul…
Complemento da issue #47.
> Adicionar logo abaixo do nome do estado, a data da ultima atualização de dados. pois isto varia de estado para estado.
> Enquanto isso @xmnlab , pode preparar o código …
AttributeError: 'DatabaseOperations' object has no attribute 'geo_db_type'
The GeoDjango admin uses OpenLayers world borders as the default map. We need to replace this with aerial imagery. The issue and fix are described at
## Checklist
- [x] I have verified that I am using a GIS-enabled database, such as PostGIS or Spatialite.
- [x] I have verified that that issue exists against the `master` branch of django-cities.…
I am sorry to post this as an issue because it is more of a support question (I think).
My understanding of PassThroughManager is that I should be able to mix two QuerySet-derived classes into one. …