I use flashfloppy v316 in my Gotek.
When I operate it on Brother Bas311 sewing machine, it gives the error as code 4. _(Code 4: Floppy disk no inserted, or cable not properly connected.)_
My IMG f…
Is the stm32f103ret6 supported?
Unlike the Read, Write, Reset and Update commands.
Thanks you for your amazing software and hardware FF and GW and disk-analyse
I read a 1.44 MB disk with my ordinary IBM 1.44mb 3.5 FDD with GREASEWEAZLE.
I write the SCP file healthy to another d…
I'm sampling a bunch of DVK MX type floppies (with greaseweazle), and while everything is more or less fine, one floppy image crashes fluxengine.
I tried resampling with 2 revs, 3 revs and 5 revs mul…
I have a board that has output buffers that inverts the output states to the floppy. (the inputs are unchanged). I'm using a Blue pill.
I've made this simple change in src/floppy.c:
/* sta…
Add new options to FlashFloppy img.cfg to support single density on track zero and double density on other tracks.
This should provide a separate configuration for single and double density. In ot…
I've recently started trying to recover a lot of the data from my old disc collection. I've got lots of IBM-PC media which all seems to work fine. I've got Apple ][ discs (haven't tried them). And …
I do a dump of a C64 disk with the default settings and GW 0.18. Then i try to convert the .scp to .flux with fluxengine. I get an „scp file corrupt“ error message.
Doing the same dump with GW 0.1…
the file `/scripts/greaseweazle/version.py` seems to be missing in the repository. It is only available in the snapshot .zip archives.
If you just clone the repo, it won't work unless you manu…