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**Problem statement** : The string "PAYPALISHIRING" is written in a zigzag pattern on a given number of rows like this: (you may want to display thi…
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**Problem statement:** Create a function that takes a list and returns the difference between the b…
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**Problem statement** : Roll the Dice
**Probelm Link** : https://edabit.com/challenge/6ejJ6e7fLdqzGPa3q
**Choose one Cateorgy** - Expert
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**Problem statement:**
In the Code tab is a function which is meant to return how many uppercase l…
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**Problem statement** : Create a function that transposes a 2D matrix.
**Probelm Link** : https://edabit.com/challenge/4KaoDvxaFSmf38bPQ
**Choose …
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**Problem statement** : Create a function that takes voltage and current and returns the calculated power.
**Probelm Link** : https://edabit.com/c…
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**Problem statement** : Given a number n, write a function that returns PI to n decimal places.
**Probelm Link** : https://edabit.com/challenge/wzP…
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**Problem statement** : Create a function that returns a list containing the prime factors of whatever integer is passed to it.
**Probelm Link** : …
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**Problem statement** : Create a function that accepts an array of numbers and returns the last number in the array.
**Probelm Link** : https://eda…
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**Problem statement** : Write a function that takes an integer minutes and converts it to seconds.
**Probelm Link** : https://edabit.com/challenge/…