@trilinos/xpetra @trilinos/tpetra @tawiesn @csiefer2
Issues like #613 point out the uselessness of the Tpetra::Map::getIndexBase() method. Users often think that "index base" means "0 for C or C++;…
I have extracted the equations we need to implement from Stuart's paper:
`Mesh-free data transfer algorithms for partitioned multiphysics problems: Conservation, accuracy, and
parallelism`. The equa…
Should be a function of:
- "multiphysics" solver (iterative, monolithic, ...)
- nonlinear solver (newton, picard)
- linear solver (most likely with krylov settings to pass to dolfin)
Purpose …
I want to identify the parameter q(x) in elliptic equation -du_xx + q(x)u =f, x\in [-1,1], where true solution u=sin(pi*x^2), q(x)=cos(x) is unknown. The following is the code: the train loss…
Result of Kokkos / Tpetra meeting. We will fill this in.
@crtrott @jjellio @rppawlo @maherou
I didn't ask for this. This came up at the Kokkos / Tpetra meeting today.
In GitLab by @ranocha on Jun 10, 2020, 13:25
We want to be able to choose different time integration schemes easily. Useful classes of low-storage schemes seem to be
- Williamson 2N (like the classi…
The convention in most of this project is to define coupled drivers that only iterate between two codes. i.e. `openmc_nek_driver` iterates between OpenMC and Nek. The `Multiphysics_Driver` class itera…
I was using Amuse-ph4 last November and everything was working fine.
In the intervening time I updated my OS to ubuntu 20.04
Now, trying to picking up Amuse again, I get some kind of se…
Now that a few solvers (including a composite solver) exist, a reexamination of the memory management strategies used for each object may be useful.
Tutorials [4](https://geosx-geosx.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/docs/sphinx/tutorials/step04/Tutorial.html) and [5](https://geosx-geosx.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/docs/sphinx…