As an iOS developer new to Java and Android, Retrofit looks superb. I can get sync requests to work but am having trouble finding any examples of async requests online. Specifically regarding how to c…
hi @rejasupotaro, I am facing following error while running the project. Do you know what might trigger this to happen?
cc: @hardwinder @firewalker06
03-12 15:13:04.585 16583-16583/com.githubsa…
Whenever I access anything through Octodroid/gh4a, a toast appears on screen with the above error. I am logged in to my account. I also cannot post comments on issues, and periodically receive message…
Black themes are for devices with amoled screens, because more screen area is black, less is power consumption and display wear.
Now when user is trying to log in, application creates an implicit intent to redirect user to github url, but if there is any application that processes all github url intents (for example [forkhub](h…
...if gc code is in small letters
e.g. http://coord.info/gc77
Someone you follow stars a repository and that shows up in your news feed. You click on it to check it out and the app takes you to the repository. Once you are there, you have no way to tel…
In Android 4.4.4 you aren't able to open the "Explore"-Activity. Once you tap on "Explore" in the main menu Android tells you: "Unfortunately, OctoDroid has stopped." All other features/activities see…
Test Version v0.0.2
Device: Nexus 10
If you are printing on Octoprint and you click cancel then OctoDroid crashes
It doesn't seem to be possible to open issues from private repositories. The error says something the liles of address can't be loaded. I can access the issues in the Github app though.