In this area, we would like to improve the project layout - particularly with respect to how settings are managed so that there is a proper separation of concerns between base Django settings, contrib…
Currently, geonode store map as map model in the django models. The map object contains list of layers in it. There is no API to get this list of layers currently. We need to implement this API to be …
There are 24 links are generated when we upload a layer to geonode by using geoserver backend. 8 of them are geoserver-independent. So, we need to generate another 16 link object when we use QGIS back…
see https://github.com/kartoza/maps.kartoza.com/blob/master/README.md
Seen in: QGIS Server LTR: 2.14.16
BBOX is empty
Even though BBOX is included in WMS GetMap parameter.
_From @lucernae on March 23, 2017 0:9_
# Intro
This package is about integrating qgis-server backend to geonode.
We don't have any proper integration tests yet, so it would be good to have some.
# Problem
With the new functionality for changing layer style. I just tried it and it is throwing and error.
![upload error](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2510900/27687880-de6b62d0-5…
It appears that there is images that are probably note used any more.
For example, geomoose provides:
- 7 screenshots for 2.4 release
- 14 screenshots for 2.6 release
- 14 screenshots for 2.9 re…
Based on running the tests in:
Listed below are all failed tests when using QGIS Server:
## GeoNodeMapTest
- [x] test_cascading_delete [@boney-bun][@lucernae] #2…
# Problem
Currently the only way to upload metadata into geonode is using the geonode UI. This however returns metadata which is not properly formated as indicated below: