I have a very long objective function (sum of 1000+ terms) which causes `simplify(expr: &LpExpression) -> LpExpression` to overflow the stack when adding the objective function to the problem. Similar…
as part of my Master's thesis I'm trying to reconstruct a point cloud of the environment using the two front facing VLC cameras.[^note] So far I was already able to calculate a disparity map us…
A spectral analysis of the SPn equations for multi-group, higher-order expansions are required. This spectra will give us an idea of convergence, preconditioning requirements, and permit a hypothesis …
I'm struggling to understand how to implement BVPs and PDEs with periodic boundary conditions and `trigtech`-based discretisations.
I can see why `trigtech/cumsum()` only supports functions with zero…
If I have a rule like:
P(i) :- G(i-1).
Souffle will report i is ungrounded. This can be annoying for developers.
I feel with some rewriting this could be handled.
#### Version
master (c0f74e3f967f0cc20709100091ee1a01e145f1cf)
#### Operating system
macOS 10.13.6
#### Description of the problem
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
As raised in [the issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55793537/solve-nonlinear-equations-with-sympy-but-i-got-results-with-a-small-imaginary-p/56104679#56104679) in which a light weight solutio…
The .html and .pdf do not render this correctly.
$ grep -A 4 "level 1" julia/stdlib/LinearAlgebra/docs/src/index.md
The level 1 BLAS functions were first proposed in [(Lawson, 1979)][Lawson-1979…
I have studied 4wd drive at https://github.com/robotika/osgar/blob/master/osgar/drivers/kloubak.py#L160 and tried to understand it geometrically. But what I understood is that it's using rudimentary p…