new term for Stanford cardiovascular workshop
Peripheral arterial stenosis has child terms that are not correct needs revision.
Peripheral arterial disease should not be a child of Peripheral arte…
The Machine learning challenge task-type is pretty unclear to me. How is that different from supervised learning? Or are the test instances given during training? Then this should be called [transduct…
Is it possible to integrate a "predict" function, which allows for the prediction of labels on new data? Currently, to do this task I'm using a nearest neighbor search but that's particularly ineffici…
I tried to stick `BiScaler` into a scikit-learn pipeline as follows:
biscaler = BiScaler()
model = Ridge()
pipeline = Pipeline([('biscaler',biscaler),('model',model)])
But it doesn't seem to…
I would like to propose an addition in the scikit - learn ML algorithm:: heat diffusion on un-directed weighted graph
It is used in a semi-supervised setup and can be used at problems requirin…
Was trying to do some cross validation between KMeans, BIRCH and DBSCAN, however the methods used by cross_validation.cross_val_predict amd cross_validation.cross_val_score are not consistent between …
When I turn lof on, I get many errors:
here is the dissertation.lof file:
\addvspace {10\p@ }
\addvspace {10\p@ }
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.1}{\ignorespaces The UBM.}}{27}
[DEV branch]
1. [GENERAL] Great number of warnings during compilation - we should fix it in order to be accepted by CRAN
2. [GENERAL] What is "x"? and "y" .. and "x.cec" and "y.cec"
There is a bug in the Stanford NLP Library which results in fewer named-entities while processing the same text.
see: https://github.com/WillemJan/Stanford_ner_bugreport