1. Run the following example: (uses "darkly" theme, could be replaced with "cyborg" and "slate" themes)
Apparently there is a 2018 attempt here: https://github.com/resbazaz/resbazaz.github.io
Bis auf "Newsletter-Anmeldung" wird im Template "Minty" ein paar Texte im Footer nicht angezeigt. Habe dir mal ein Screen gemacht.
Using both the CRAN and the latest github versions of {bslib}, first run the following app:
The mark paid button and the delete button seems to be using the default bootstrap coloring. Make sure the mark paid button has the class "btn-primary" and "btn-danger" for the delete button. The colo…
This is a list of the 3817 GitHub projects in Bower, that don't contain a bower.json file.
1140px-responsive-css-grid: github.com/aosmialowski/1140px-Responsive-CSS-Grid
320andup: github.com/mala…
The code block background in light mode seems much darker than the Bootstrap defaults.
Upon inspection, it looks like `common-extended.css` is using the darker `--prism-background: #2d2d2d;` as def…
The goal is to provide a new shiny-specific theme that serves as our baseline Bootstrap theme. Because `bs_theme()` is used in so many places there are a few considerations:
1. This theme becomes t…
I'm running tests for `importlib_metadata 6.9.0` and I noticed that the following test fails:
____________________ DiscoveryTests.test_package_discovery _____________________
self =
I'd like to be able to host different docs for different versions of my code. I know there are services like ReadTheDocs that handle this for you, but it would be nice to be able to deploy all the ver…