This is actually a pre-requisite to make SuperDump happen on Linux. I'll try to make the target framework netcoreapp1.1 for SuperDumpService and SuperDumpModels.
This would be pretty epic https://github.com/dotnet/jitutils
/cc @benaadams @jamesqo
What is the reason, that !Clrstack -a ends with this exception?
90> !clrstack -a
Exception during command execution -- Win32Exception: 'Unknown error (0x81250006)'
at msos.HR.Verify(Int…
The NuGet version works fine, but with `master` I'm getting UNKNOWN frames for any managed method in a 64-bit process. After running `git bisect` I was able to pinpoint https://github.com/Microsoft/cl…
In `BenchmarkDotNet.IntegrationTests.csproj`, we have the following lines:
xcopy /F /Y $(ProjectDir)..\CLRMD\x86\msdia120.dll $(TargetDir)
But we don't have the `x86\msdia120.dll` …
Set up the CLRMD private fork to publish a NuGet package through AppVeyor and reference that package from msos instead of embedding the DLL directly.
Encountered a problem when using the mixed stack command on a mixed thread stack. Why the
`else if (managedFrame > 0)` condition in [msos/MixedStack.cs](https://github.com/goldshtn/msos/blob/master/m…
Parse the unmanaged stack trace to detect calls to synchronization APIs such as:
1. `EnterCriticalSection`
2. `WaitForSingleObject`
3. `WaitForMultipleObjects`
Obtain the object details from the stac…
@mattwarren, I want the following list of features:
- [X] 1. I want be able to add a diagnostic class with the `AddDiagnoster` method in manual mode (automatic loading should work in audo mode).
- [X]…
From what I've read, there has been some work regarding CoreCLR support. I don't know the full details but I'm pretty sure that dependencies on the following assemblies will present a problem:
- `Syst…