🚨Please review the [Troubleshooting](../#troubleshooting) section
before reporting any issue. Don't forget to check also the current issues to
avoid duplicates.
I have been trying to download one [co…
I have been using swirl to learn R programming. But when I try to get credit in the Coursera class, I get this error message after entering my assignment token.
Do you know how to adjust for this?…
I'm try to completed R Programming Course (**R Programming Basic Building Blocks** and **R Programming Workspace and Files**) using swirl, but when i try to get credit for completing the course there…
I'm creating a custom grader and wanted to check what arguments it will get passed when invoked.
From [`exampleGrader.sh`](https://github.com/coursera/programming-assignments-demo/blob/master/cu…
Hey Maxim - I know DoDroid is dead, but I think you're still working on/learning Android from what I can from this repository?
I took a break then a detour (Java was rusty so I did that) and am now…
I am still doing Haskell exercises, but as a preliminary I am currently trying to get editor services to work with Futhark. I figured out how to get the missing dependencies going with Stack by upgrad…
I can't download this course 'https://www.coursera.org/learn/financial-engineering-2/home/welcome',
I know URL isn't like 'https://class.coursera.org//class/index', but how to solve it?
To properly submit the assignments, you need to use the submission token. Many users dont use a password if they login with facebook.
The way of submitting the assignments is with the email and token…