[clang_complete](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3302) is an auto completion tool for C projects. It uses `.clang_complete` file as its configuration file. If one specifies:
Some files use tabs instead of spaces.
This is a mistake and will be fixed really soon.
This project will use spaces not tabs, to stay consistent with 99% of the javaScript projects out there.
Not sure why, this is the output. Seems it's trying to chmod a Windows-style path?
`enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/editorconfig/bin\editorconfig'`
What is your strategy for fixing indentation, especially converting from spaces to tabs. There is no way to assume a developer's intent between what was intended for indentation vs. what was intended …
Just found that this tool exists and would really like to use it on our code base (coffee script and scss files).
I wondered why the script is not working with coffee script files for example. As far…
@jedmao notes that eclint lacks support for checking soft tab (spaces) indentation width against configuration. Is this true?
Could we get a basic command line linter that reports files that don't conform to `.editorconfig`, similar to how JSHint, splint, checkstyle, etc. work? Some developers may wish to add style requireme…
https://github.com/treyhunner/editorconfig-tools ... in case you wanna borrow code or work together or something