I was struggling few hours why I couldn't get connection to work to foreign MS SQL server, until I figured and remembered Fedora is SELinux enabled system. It did not allow PostgreSQL server just to m…
There's a significant challenges with the current approach of embedding libduckdb directly.
1. **Compilation Time and Package Size**: Embedding libduckdb requires a substantial amount of compilati…
I tested hdfs_fdw with spark. In spark i created table from local file with 100M rows. In spark beeline i count with select count(*),but pg server get an error oom, and spark thift server fails too. P…
Curious if anyone has been able to use mongo_fdw with a replica set and a list of seed servers, and if there's a place where connection error log messages are being written that I'm just not seeing.
I use tpc-ds benchmark to test the cstore_fdw, some Query like Query 32 have something wrong , execution time with cstore_fdw is 1078208.133 ms while normal pg table is 44350.811 ms.
using EXPLAIN …
Got compile error when building against PostgreSQL 17
Makefile:65: /contrib/contrib-global.mk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '/contrib/contrib-global.mk'. Stop.
Select data through mysql_fdw is slower 45times.
my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Pg:dbname=$DB_NAME;host=$DB_HOST;port=$DB_PORT", $DB_USER, $DB_PASS );
my $mysql = DBI->connect( "dbi:mysql:dbname=…
cstore_fdw 1.6.0 on postgresql-10
So, I've got a lot of time-series data in a table that looks like this:
spider=> create foreign table history_y2017 (
itemid bigint not null,
Using the DuckDB crate for Rust, create a wrapper that can read parquet files stored in an S3 bucket.
### Definition
Configure a staging environment that deploys consistently off our `main` branch, and can be relied upon over time.
### Business Goals
- All users, including product, HHS staff,…