reaver -i mon0 -b 00:14:D1:E6:19:2C -vv -c 11
[+] Sending identity response
[+] Received M1 message
[+] Sending M2 message
[+] Received M3 message
[+] Sending M4 message
[+] Received M3 mess…
When I dump my json object, I would like to control how much precision it outputs with. This is useful because as a transit format, I don't want huge payloads because I'm printing 12 digits of my floa…
When I run driller to test one of cgc binary named NRFIN_00017 with the command "shellphuzz -c 2 -d 2 -C NRFIN_00017 ", I get the following error, could you tell me what is wrong here? Thank you.
This states that fire will appear at 15 amps (`FIRE_THRESHOLD` = 15):
var isFireShown = function( current, isValueDepictionEnabled ) {
return Math.abs( current ) >= FIRE_THRESHOLD && is…
you should let people decide the fp type (with some kind of define macro for the type), for instance, if you interface with cython double rep is default in python, on the over hand, in an …
The following code is used in runtime for stake calculation:
let required_stake = Perbill::from_rational_approximation(numerator, denominator) * total_issuance;
let balance: BalanceOf = require…
When printing "%e" or "%g" with zero as argument, 0e-308 is assumed instead of zero
printf("%e", 0):
expected: "0.000000e+00"
got: "0.000000e-308"
printf("%g", 0):
expected: "0"
got: "0…
How can we define the right size of the floating point columns since we
must set the integer and the decimal parts? In MySQL Decimal(15,2) is
different of Decimal (15,8) but both have size 15.
`numeral(64.43).multiply(100);` // 6443.000000000001
I know this is a floating point issue but I thought that is what this library was meant to sort out.
- add hardware floating point support for the main box as a first step
- extend floating point support to other secure boxes later