Submitted by mradwin on 2002-09-05 15:47:13
allow 1-click shabbat email subscriptions for the list of
43 predefined cities
currently only USA zipcode-based email is sup…
Submitted by nabramovitz on 2005-01-09 11:55:22
When I extracted the Windows 3.4 zip file and
ran "hebcal help" it showd version 3.2 and not version
3.4. I don't see how it could be version 3.2 un…
Submitted by mradwin on 2003-09-18 11:13:55
Add this city to the hebcal cities list and support a
new scheme DST_AU which is the opposite of DST_EU
Melbourne, Australia is
37d49' S latitude 144d58'…
Submitted by sadinoff on 2005-11-20 00:49:50
Stephen Weinstein points out that the 1752 dates on the
Gregorian initiation is incorrect in Russia.
The warning text should change to :
"Hebcal only tr…
Submitted by wsherwin on 2007-04-26 20:46:20
Please add the display of Pesach Sheni (14 Iyar) to the program; as Tachnun is often omitted on this day, and it is not adjacent to any other special day,…
Submitted by bensandler on 2007-04-01 11:15:03
Patch to version 3.7 which adds a molad option (-M, same as previously submitted patch) as well as an option to show daily sunrise and sunset (-O, which…
Submitted by nabramovitz on 2010-12-13 11:50:02
What is your definition for the date calculation for Yom HaShoah? I am pretty sure it is incorrect for Israel since if the 27th of Nisan falls on Sund…
Submitted by mradwin on 2002-09-05 15:45:24
write a tool to generate a handy 1-page candlelighting
times chart for the entire year (to post on the refrigerator)
shouldn't be that hard. display in …
Submitted by mradwin on 2003-01-07 15:30:57
(originally reported by Shmuel Birnbaum
hebcal -Y calculates regular Adar yarhzeits as occurring
in Adar I on a leap year, which i…
Submitted by nobody on 2004-12-21 15:31:19
I added a -M option which will print out the molad time
on Shabbat Mevorchim. Useful for us gabbaim. I made
small changes to the molad function, which see…