Is Interact known not to work with ipython 3.0-dev?
the following example runs on ipython 2.3, but does not produce any output using ipython 3.0-dev:
``` julia
using Interact, Gadfly
@manipulate fo…
Any way to get a cell to display line numbers along the left-hand side? Errors return line numbers to help you debug, but the cells don't contain line numbers, which makes it hard to find where the er…
It will be nice to have ijulia notebook examples where we walk through non-trivial problems, ensure DCP-compliance, solve them etc. We already have a number of these from the talks that we have given,…
I encountered some zip files I wanted to use on JuliaBox - but unzip isn't installed yet. Would be great to have it.
I am loading a file that contains one dense vector and a sparse matrix. This is the exact output I get. It made me feel like something went wrong with the loading, but later on I realized that it had …
As CmdStan is too big to install on a (my) private JuliaBox account I wonder if it can be made available as a 'generally useful' package. Below are the steps needed.
If this works I'll add a few exam…
Should include:
- http://forio.com/julia/repl/
- https://koding.com/Julia
Maybe with some instructions and description of each.
I'm trying to get GraphViz working out of the box. `Pkg.add("GraphViz")` works fine, but it compiles without cairo which leaves it unable to display graphs inline in IJulia (Keno/GraphViz.jl#11). I _t…
Is there a publicly hosted example of an interactive JuliaBox? Adding such a link to the README.md would be very helpful for interested users.
When entering Julia code containing colons, indenting is screwed up. E.g. consider the example:
type mytype
After each line containing a colon is typed, the next line…