Tried pulling in this library, and grabbing the `Login` and `Register` from your demo code. However, when typing in e-mail field it fails with the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: ran…
I was wondering why the xoroshiro128+ random generator was implemented in [Random.cpp](https://github.com/gcp/leela-zero/blob/master/src/Random.cpp)? Wouldn't e.g. the [std::mt19937_64](http://www.cpl…
I've noticed subtle differences in simulations carried out on different machines. In particular heating rates computed directly from photon fields. In partcular:
My Macbook = My iMac
Endjinn = Irid…
We probably want some kind of control of the random seed in both optimisation and inference routines -- for user debug sake or for reproducibility.
I want to get know NATS + asyncio-nats-client RPS (request-response case). The test scenario is simple:
import asyncio
import uvloop
from nats.aio.client import Client
There is a problem on level 4 called "distract the guards" where it's about graph matching and math theory called distracted the guards. Although my code got AC but I've also found a counter case soon…
**Reported by @AnsleyManke on 27 Sep 2011 22:31 UTC**
Capturing an email thread here. @AndrewWittenberg noticed that the Ferret doc at
When building on macOS 10.13 on the device, Ion::random always returns zero.
$ arm-none-eabi-g++ --version
arm-none-eabi-g++ (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors 6-2017-q2-update) 6.3.…
- `ui` type is exported, but used nowhere in the exported API.
- `proc random(max: int)` returns a number in the range `0..max-1`. This is not only inconsistent with the loops of the language, where t…
fresh install of HP 2013.0 on MAC OSX 10.8.3
execution of Readme.md Process
fail at build stage : runghc app/stackage.hs build
log is :
cabal '--package-db=clear' '--package-db=global' '--package…