能否增加图片上传功能??GPT4 API 已经用了 一个多月了 自制的miniGPT4 也挂载了 客户端缺少 图片上传功能,另外服务端和客户端能否做个分离 这样方便整合API 我用GPT4+miniGPT4 整合了一个API 接口 部署在独立服务器上,不知道怎么对接 这个客户端.....
The deployment on the server was successful, and it can be accessed on the server. However, using the server ip: port on the external network cannot be accessed. There is no problem with the firewall,…
Does this expected behavior? since this project was aimed for specific target dataset
Thanks for releasing the interesting work.
I'm trying to deploy it on my server.
However, I encountered some difficulties when preparing Vicuna weights.
When apply the delta weights of Vic…
## 什么是 GLCC?
第二届 GitLink 确实开源编程夏令营(GLCC)是由 CCF 中国计算机学会主办,之江实验室承办,CCF 开源发展委员会与 GitLink 确实开源社区共同协办的面向全国高校学生的暑期编程夏令营活动。
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When I use running the demo.py it's normal but when I try to ask question,something was wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/root/anaconda3/envs/minigpt4/lib/python3.9/site-packages/g…
Error content:RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (32000) must match the size of tensor b (32001) at non-singleton dimension 0
vicuna-13b-delta-v0 and llama-13b-hf
It seems that the mini-GPT4 is the BLIP2 that just changing the LLM to the open-source GPT?
### Question
Heloo, thanks on your great work!
I want to ask where is the ```llava-13b-pretrain-no_im_start_end_token.bin``` model? I go into this repo as you said, but found ```LLaVA-13b-pretrain…
Whenever I try to play back a recording, I get this error. I'm not sure what the playbacks are supposed to look like since I can't test them. Any help is appreciated!
Traceback (most recent cal…