Hi, thanks so much for the great tutorial! I am wondering whether anyone has tried different number of anchors, other than the three anchors 6,7,8 as in the cfg file? There's a RuntimeError due to thi…
The failed migration items in below will be ingested with new admin_set:
1957/12404 | graduate_project
1957/54895 | graduate_project
1957/58943 | undergraduate_thesis_or_project
1957/59255 | under…
Need to separate honors college theses from undergrad theses (unless they are also somewhere else?) and move to honors college worktype/admin set.
No idea what's causing this on a PR that changes one and only one markdown file (and only on the push build, the pr build runs fine).
Hi Robert, I am writing my undergraduate math thesis on AI for 2048. So far, I have been using my own implementation of the board, but I want to try out more computationally intensive algorithms and w…
Hi, so far this package has been awesome for an antenna design GUI I'm building, it makes heavy use of plots so I implement cursors everywhere. I recently tried to add a mplcursor to a matplotlib's po…
we are excited to launch and share our CodeMaster, a free web application that in a problem-based learning context allows to automatically assess and grade projects programmed with App Inven…
A list of bags that have very large files which need to be handled in a different way than just the automated script.. these file uploads timeout.
The bag files and these rows have been added to th…
17678,268,1957/12945,Administrative Report or Publication,ITEM@1957-14169…
Hi! I have some code to enhance mfoc in mind, and I plan to use this new algorithm but it should be machine-independent (as I need to compile it into an Intel Quark CPU for my undergraduate thesis). D…