The links to the selected talks on this page seem to be broken: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/3d-tiles
* https://cesium.com/presentations/Web3D-2016-3DTilesTutorial.pptx
* https…
> Mainly about “cesium 3dtiles”:I use tools from github,Convert model files(.max) to files in gltf format,Then turn the gltf file into an GLB file,In the process of converting the GLB file to 3dtiles,…
GroundPrimitive currently clamps to both terrain and 3D Tiles and there is no way to configure its behavior.
I have a 3D Tileset of buildings that are clamped to terrain. I want to draw a polygon …
Hello, I'm using the latest version 1.35 to build a simple earth error(fragment shader failed to compiled.) on the 7680*3240 resolution screen, and 1.34 of the 3dtiles branch versions do not have this…
I find this two projects both use tilesets as input data to render. The first uses kmz and the second uses i3dm or b3dm. Is it the extension to cesium-3dtile?
Following this:
docker run -it -v $HOME:$HOME connormanning/entwine build /var/entwine/config/cesium.json -i https://www.liblas.org/samples/autzen/autzen-hole-utm.laz -o ~/autzen
It works.
ALL OS all browsers
got to
Analogue to
for accessing 3dtiles
as discussed with @gjn
ask c2c for support on how to make a plain kml line drawn or imported (only x y no z) in map.geo.admin.ch work in 3d view by adding on the fly alti information to it mak…
I have save the mount st helens data in database with projection/coordinate system 26910. Now I would like to test it and use the api for read pnts:
Now I got the error for the statement: