1. model.py中gpt2的加载报错
` try:
self.gpt2 = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(gpt2_path)
logger.info('succeed to load pretrain gpt2 model')
您好,我看到原始的 SimBERT 和 RoFormer-Sim 模型是基于TensorFlow的,作者使用的什么方法做的?
### Error Message
INFO:root:converting to Gluon checkpoint ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "convert_tf_model.py", line 159, in
assert len(tf_config) == len(tf_config_names_to_gl…
Hello, thank you for your sharing firstly!
Based on your tuition, I use create_pretraining_data.py to get a file of tf_example.tfrecord. Then I run run_pretraining.py. After these two steps, I can ge…
Hi everyone,
I'm considering putting some effort into training StyleTTS in Portuguese. I have a good-quality dataset for this task, however, I was in doubt if it would be better just to fine-tune the…
作者您好 ,请问下如果我想得到一个句对的向量该怎么使用当前的tokenizer呢?,类似bert的 [CLS] sent_A [SEP] sent_B;
请问一下,微调时大概训练多久。我在自己训练的模型尝试加入反向kl loss微调,反而kl loss 变大,生成效果很差
I know in the original paper, they use softmax at the end of the module, but I wonder whether using crf will improve the performance ? Thanks