First, as a cocolabs customer, I'm really glad to see this Open Source project finally out on github, congratulations !
Server : Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS
Web server : Apache2
Database server : MyS…
Regarding security check, some library used by cocorico seems to have security issues :
Security Check Report
Checked file: /var/www/cocoal/Symfony/composer.lock
7 packages have k…
Both 'Dump assets' following commands return the same error :
php app/console assets:install --symlink web --env=dev
php app/console assetic:dump --env=dev
I'm using eth-lightwallet (https://github.com/ConsenSys/eth-lightwallet) to generate accounts in the browser. Everything works great in Firefox (45.0.2, Windows and Ubuntu) and Chrome (49.0.2623,…
### Configuration
**Operating system**: Manjaro Linux
**PlatformIO Version** (`platformio --version`): 3.2.1
### Description of problem
Nothing happened by typing command `platformio init --…
jaja@quadcore:~$ tvdownloader
Création du répertoire /home/jaja/.tvdownloader/cache
Création du répertoire /home/jaja/.tvdownloader/conf
Création du répertoire /home/jaja/.tvdownloader/logs
**Last export : 02/21/14**
Hi guys !
All Github translations are now on Crowdin with the yaml format. I'm sure we are lost a few Crowdin translations during the migration, but nothing real importan…
@AutoSponge mentioned wanting to use something like https://github.com/codemix/babel-plugin-closure-elimination.
It would be good to have a standard workflow to install and use Babel plugins like thi…
Erreur dans la console lorsque j'ai save + quit dans l'armurerie de Cocorico (où on a l'arc) :
Error : In on_started: [string "maps/outside/c3.lua"]:9: bad argument #1 to start (table, entity or dra…