The following file has been boiled down from Frama-C output:
type addr = { base : int; offset : int }
logic addr_le : addr, addr -> prop
axiom addr_le_def :
(forall p:addr. forall q:addr [addr…
Is there a good reason why the signature `Path.WEIGHT` declares the weight function to have type
`label -> t` instead of `edge -> t`? The latter is more general as it allows to specify meaningful weig…
SP: 13
Identify properties to be verified during code verification see #53
Possible properties for fomal verification
- [x] formalize specification of the bitwalker for verification within frama-C
As reported on the machinekit group (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/machinekit/NeZXwHa2FqU/BYlLLXJiRuEJ) linuxcnc fails repeatedly on the same line with...
> 14: Unexpected realtime delay on RT thre…
What is this warning about?
Bitwalker.c:60:[rte] warning: bitsSize of (uint64_t)2 \* retval + Bit > 32: not treated
ghost updated
10 years ago
Identify properties to be verified during code verification see #53
Possible properties for fomal verification
- [x] coding guidelines (for later sprints)
Identify properties to be verified during code verification see #53
Possible properties for fomal verification
- [ ] Robustness of code (for later sprints)
SP: 5
Identify properties to be verified during code verification see #53
Possible properties for fomal verification
- [x] undestand specification
- [x] document informal specification
- [x] upload…
The tool chain needs an high level view of the goal to be achieved.
- [x] Look at the document tool chain architecture as a starting point
- [x] write the document
- [ ] launch the review
Is it possible to support http://why3.lri.fr/ which can support multiple back ends.