npr. u onom js za rasporedjivanje da ima metodu koja vraca listu taskova (cisto da bude na jenom mestu sve, moze da se zakomentarise red..), ako se uklapa u ideju sa onim objektima taskovima koji mogu…
After upgrading my server to run 11.0 build 11 it started crashing every time someone try to connect.
Ako nema komentara na članku, a korisnik pokuša učitati komentare, aplikacija se sruši. (Barem u mom iskustvu, Note 2)
Instaliran na LZS, dokumentacija na http://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/other_notes/
Primjer: http://www.linuxzasve.com/api/get_recent_posts/
There are 1495 lines of the MW72 digitization which have Greek text.
These cases occur on 584 pages.
The following format provides a comment for each page - It is hoped that it will be slightly more…
I need to make an array from the styles-font-menu plugin output, (the code below doesn't work) btw~ this bit-o-code does display the (working) font dropdown at the top of every admin page. I just need…
Mogu li se ikako prikazati gravatari uz komentar?
Ima li aplikacija pristup mailu? Ako da, pogledaj ovo: http://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/
Conforme minha sugestão em https://github.com/BielSystems/boletophp/issues/6#issuecomment-4901804 , segue a rotina:
Eu tenho certeza que você conhece, talvez melhor do eu, como usar o git…
When I try to access the info in the gui it says Given XHProf Run not found.
I was searching and the field perfdata of all the runs I have in the DB appears with the following info: x^
I was inv…
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#19017](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=19017) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT19017$
p5pRT updated
21 years ago