This issue tracks all v0.43 changes we should be manually testing.
# Existing Code Manual Testing
Each subteam should decide if each item should be assigned to 1 or 2 people, depending on import…
### Design Artifacts:
- Governance proposals desktop: https://www.figma.com/file/B85IQijD2Ul7sVzVWqXmQW/Crypto-Happy-Path?node-id=261%3A57914
- Individual proposal desktop: https://www.figma.com/file/…
jx version 3.2.188
eks-jx version: 1.15.41
## Steps to reproduce the error:
When I create the quickstart project, everything works fine, till it waits to find the trigger for my gitrepo
Moving assets from different chains within Cosmos ecosystem via IBC and then across ecosystems (from Regen -> Polygon and Regen -> Celo notably)
Compile some screenshots of how this is done with diff…
Accidentally tried to equip a Bear Cape to the Chest slot and it crashed me. Can log back into the server, but everyone else crashes around me and I will crash if I open my inventory. The cape was enc…
### Design Artifacts
- Prototype of land steward flow: https://www.figma.com/proto/2YgNiS6APbaUmviJWhOCoQ/Log-in-Sign-Up-Flows?page-id=2%3A586&node-id=3%3A7634&viewport=256%2C48%2C0.13&scaling=scale-d…
who: sales director
what: create a new buyer and transfer them credits ; after completing offline transaction ; this is on an existing project, whether Regen Registry or 3rd party program, with avail…
Continuation of #357
Default: https://www.figma.com/file/a1A8H2i3gBzAq915IbfDAL/Onboarding-Flow?node-id=6539%3A4622
After selected: https://www.figma.com/file/a1A8H2i3gBzAq915IbfDAL/Onboardi…
Continuing on from the end of this thread [error waiting for KMS Key - timeout while waiting for state to become 'TRUE'](https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx/issues/8020).
I am attempting to follow the [E…