A long term goal for us should be to check how we can integrate https://github.com/pmdartus/speedline The Chrome team is working on integrating SpeedIndex in Chrome but I haven't sees a timeline so it…
The summary page always show the first run for the HAR: https://results.sitespeed.io/sitespeed-result/en.wikipedia.org/2017-02-15-12-00-03/pages/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama/
We should make i…
Facing "couldn't be fetched, response code 500 error: Error from the crawl: "
when i set up request Headers in sitespeed.io
below is my command
sitespeed.io -u…
Hoping someone can shed some light,
If there have been no code changes, and the BackendTime has been relatively stable, what are some factors that could cause fluctuations in the FirstPaint, Do…
Hi Pat,
we have an increase in start render and Speed Index for the URLs we test using Chrome for WebPageTest that started to happened late yesterday (24th). For some URLs it adds 30-40%. It only hap…
Hi ,
your doing excellent job. Dashboard looking very nice.
I was unable to see the user timings in the grafana I was using the latest version of Sitespeed.io:4.2.1
and even I don't know how to…
Is there any way to get the SpeedIndex attribute in the response using the command line interface?
Something like this:
`webpagetest test http://staging.example.com --first --server http:/// --c…
Something has changed between Chrome 55 and 56:
First on Mac OS X running the Docker container you need to add the no-sandbox parameter (_ENV BROWSERTIME_CHROME__ARGS no-sandbox_).
But more import…
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 and I wonder if sitespeed provide its application for dotnet?
Thank you!
https://github.com/speedtracker/speedtracker-api/pull/23 introduced support for encrypted URLs in profile configs, which I feel is stellar. However, the UI feature which allows one to deep link to rep…
ghost updated
7 years ago