For when you get around to implementing it... I've been using the Spi class, I currently see a significant issue with the exposed method Spi.wiringPiSPIDataRW in that it takes a string as …
AVR itself should not be powered off because (use stand-by connection to power the AVR)
- Should be able to control the cube part of the PSU via GPIO
- BLANK timer must be disabled to stop sending dat…
See assembly dump `build/release/assembly.lss`, function `effect_sine_kernel`. There is register **r2** in use but it shouldn't because it is exclusively allocated in `tlc5940.c`:
register uint8…
Use bit fields structs to reduce SRAM usage. See http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/node13.html .
One must be volatile and atomic blocks must be used to protect it when writing to it. Reading individual b…
The cube should be able to be dimmed according to luminous conditions or other long-term variables. Brighter in the evenings and dimmer in the night.
Possible ways to implement:
Scaler in set_led():…
Settings like NUM_TLCS, DATA_TRANSFER_MODE, VPRG_ENABLED, XERR_ENABLED, etc. need the ability to be user configured without touching the library.