Our use case requires configuring provider details via environment variables. Planning to fork the library and file a PR for this change, which involves changing `Ueberauth.Strategy.Google.OAuth.clien…
Right now [this doc](https://github.com/ExHammer/hammer/blob/master/doc_src/CreatingBackends.md) describes a good use case for a [`behavior`](https://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/typespecs-and-beha…
Только через гитхаб, без паролей и форм.
I use Addict for auth, and follow the wiki to implement admin auth.
``` elixir
defimpl ExAdmin.Authentication, for: Plug.Conn do
alias MyApp.Router.Helpers
alias MyApp.Authentication, as: Auth
Im using this approach to fetch the secret key:
config :my_app, MyApp.Guardian,
allowed_algos: ["RS512"],
secret_key: {MySecretKey, :fetch}
In v1.0.0-beta1 this does not work …
Please how do i get the code passed to the accessToken function? I can't seems to figure out what the code is.
This is looking like a great project! Thanks for building it. I think you have most of what I am looking for, but I also need an OAuth identity provider so an outside application can login a u…
When logging in with Ueberauth the client Id is not being passed as a query param for the request to oAuth Github
When plugging `Guardian.Permissions.Bitwise` should `ensure` and `one_of` check for permission map to be identical or contain _at least_ specified permissions?
Now it behaves the first way - when I…
I have set email permission and i am able to get email address when i tested it using graph api explorer. Ueberauth returns nil in email field. The default scope contains email.