Hallo Alex,
ich hatte einen Stromausfall. Dabei ist der Wirtsrechner anscheinend unbeschadet geblieben. Das vccu3 image meldet sich noch aber der Web server und die Service Endpunkte reagieren nich…
I have followed the instructions and successfully installed lldpd (configured with --with-snmp) from sources on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine.
Currently I am able to run lldpd -x with sudo and sudo lldpcl…
I have been trying to run lldpd with snmpd on a Docker Container. Everything seems to be working fine except I am not getting any output with snmpget command.
snmpget -v2c -c public -m +LLDP-M…
My configuration options:
./configure \
--sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/frr \
--enable-pkgsrcrcdir=/usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d \
--localstatedir=/var/run/frr \
Hi Vincent,
First of all thank you for working on a great product.
I just migrated from centos 7.4. to 7.5, in centos 7.4 lldp packets were getting sent and received fine on bond interface. But wi…
1. 读取进程上的设置
- is alinode?
2. 读取 agentx/agenthub 的配置
- 读取 logdir
- 检查 logdir 是否有 node-xxx.log
Whenever I compile a script that has multiple calls to ExecuteCommand, I get a runtime error. For example the following script:
function Deploy() {
G.exec.ExecuteCommand("powershell", ["l…
When I create an set of PHP binaries with PHP 7.2.18 with the Oracle client libraries using binary builder, I am unable to use these binaries in a buildpack.
Here is the command line I use for bi…
Tried to restore a backup from piVCCU2 2.35.16 but piVCCU3 always freezes while uploading.
Anyone else had this issue?
ERROR 9400 nodejs.ENOENTError: spawn F:\new\InternationalStation-admin\node_modules\_commandx@1.4.0@commandx\get_processes_count ENOENT
at _errnoException (util.js:1024:11)
at Process.ChildProce…