Are there more complete build instructions that can be provided for people that don't live and breath Java builds?
On a vanilla debian install,`apt-get install default-jdk maven` followed by cloning…
Misc Violation in CFLint-result:
In file \TaskGateway.cfc, line 57
In c:\v11\server\webapps\ROOT\WEB- INF\railo\components\railo\extension\gateway\TaskGateway.cfc
At line :…
Using a computer with a smaller amount RAM, I'm getting an error:
"Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4g
The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size."
This is generated in the cflint-ui.ba…
The stderr of cflint yields error messages when processing CFM such as:
I'm trying to use cflint with SublimeText and SublimeLinter. It's working fine with version 0.2 but with 0.4 i have this message :
If any of you are archers, I created the package "cflint-git" in the AUR!
I'm running the latest CFLint built from the source of the master branch. Here is my code from my Application.cfc.
If I add an `import` statement to the top of my CFC file I start getting all sorts of parse errors that don't make sense:
line 6:10 no viable alternative at input 'componentextends'
Stage 2!
CFLint should automatically load up the latest released version of cfparser to prevent possible issues.
What is the license for use of this tool? Many larger companies will not allow usage of tools without understanding what license governs its use.