# problem
the default threshold values of 0.34, 0.67, 1 seem a little low for MMI values and return 0 impacted people.
I'm not sure what these defaults relate to.
# proposed solution
Generic impact…
## Problem
After loading test data and running `Earthquake` `Population` `Be impacted`, I get the following error:
In file "/home/christian/.qgis2/python/plugins/inasafe/safe/utilities/impact_ca…
IF fails to run due to insufficient overlap.
# problem
the IFCW seems to have a problem defining the analysis extent for EQ.
This is regardless of which choice is selected for the analysis extent.
- …
# Problem
We need to have proper metadata available for each impact function. This is needed for wizards (see #862 and #703). In general too all Impact Functions should have their metadata well defin…
Hi all,
I prepared an exercise for tomorrow's InaSAFE session.
in case of utilising OSM data (I used HOT export to extract available OSM building polygon features) for exposure data. I discovered tha…
All tests pass on my develop machine, shakti (Ubuntu 11.04), but 6 gui tests fail on shiva (Ubuntu 10.10) - and end with a _segfault_. See stack traces below.
The installed libraries are
1) The left-hand column on this page:
contains a typo in "Earthquake Prediction". Earthquake is misspelled as 'earhquake'.
2) Delete the link to "Hazard M…
Kristy Van Putten recently wrote two new impact functions:
With Polygon hazard layers coming on (issues #36 and #48) we need to rewrite the impact functions to sensibly make use of this layer type. Kristy made a start in flood_building_impact.py.
I try to use ContinuousHazardPopulationFunction (with InaSAFE test data - earthquake in Padang 2009 / global population raster). When I open options dialog for the IF, I am able to configure categoric…