Feature request: Realign group, class, habitat descriptor table rows to resemble the following format:
- [x] Blue ice
- [x] Bubble columns
- [x] wooden Buttons x6
- [x] wooden pressure plates x6
- [x] wooden trapdoors x6
- [x] Carved pumpkins
- [ ] Conduits
- [ ] Coral
- [ ] Coral blocks
- [ …
this is my full log u can see everything in it
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\rip sv\sth funny>java -Xmx5G -jar -DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear paper-1.16.5-573.jar nogui
System Info: Java 16 (Jav…
@zmonteith there are 262 events missing lat/lon. Is this accurate? Any records missing lat/lon are dropped from OBIS.
**Szerver**: Survival
Szóval, igen, a bolt. Régen jobb volt, oké. A piac nem volt jó, oké. Az új bolt nem jó, oké.
Legyen GUI, legyen /sell. Legyen. Ki állítja be?
Megláttam valaki (tudomanevét…
**Issues that dont follow this template will be ignored and closed**
**Test before making a report by removing all mods except ZAWA, Bookworm and ZAWA Add-ons. Check that you are using the latest…
fig. 7 seagrass acreage source change SWFMD to "SWFWMD"
**Mod Version & Build Number**
![2020-02-21_06 31 04](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/33978024/75004470-e2b97a80-5473-1…
I'd love to see even more options for what can be put into a flower pot!
Here's some ideas:
Nether Wart
Chorus Fruit
Kelp and Lily Pads (dirt texture in pot replaced with water texture?)
[As discussed in the Discord](https://discordapp.com/channels/507304429255393322/521545796882006027/688152058515161225), using names from the wiki would allow for easier referencing and other such uti…