镜像名: crates.io
上游路径: static.crates.io
镜像简介: 反代换全量同步
同步方法: https://github.com/sjtug/mirror-clone/pull/9
镜像大小: 40G
- [x] 同意同步
- [x] 同步脚本 https://github.com/sjt…
skyzh updated
3 years ago
Julia从1.4开始会采用一个新的package server,目前它配套的docker镜像已经全部打包好了,这里面包括了完整的服务器前端etc. https://github.com/staticfloat/PkgServerS3Mirror 只需要部署下应该就可以工作了
cc: @staticfloat
I found an error when I try to setup windows toolchain; vcpkg fails when installing harfbuzz due to an issue when it tries to install automake.
Here's the log:
Installing package harfbuzz[c…
https://github.com/cfug/flutter.cn/issues/766 中发现部分 flutter API 反代会将 JSON 作为 .gz 返回的问题。关掉 siyuan mirror 上 caddy 的 gzip encoding 之后,解决了该问题。与此同时,之前碰到的 guix 断流问题 https://github.com/sjtug/mirror-requests/…
skyzh updated
3 years ago
镜像名: opkg
上游路径: https://downloads.openwrt.org/
镜像简介: opkg(英語:Open PacKaGe management)是一款基于ipkg的轻量级包管理器,由C语言编写,使用的时候类似高级包装工具和dpkg。用于嵌入式GNU/Linux设备,并在OpenEmbedded和OpenWrt等项目中使用。
**How can I add archlinuxcn mirror?**
[firestar@FIRESTAR ~]$ sudo pacman -Sy archlinuxcn-keyring
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community i…
#### 发生了什么(What happened)
#### 期望的现象(What you expected to happen)
#### 如何重现(How to reproduce it)
#### 其他事项(Anything else we need to know)
- 该问题是否被之前的 issue 提出过:
#### 您的环境(Environment)…
镜像名: flathub.org
参考 https://github.com/tuna/issues/issues/523 讨论
Warning: /home/homebrew/.linuxbrew/homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/sdns.rb: something goes wrong.
Warning: /hom…
镜像名: Fedora SilverBlue
上游路径: https://ostree.fedoraproject.org
镜像简介: https://silverblue.fedoraproject.org/