We introduced many knobs for the purpose of making a general system. However, the current process of bringing up the TwitterMap demo is too complicated. Before the Admin web page, we need to at least …
Now save on Cloudberry - https://ftp2cv.s3.amazonaws.com/dev/behavioural_science_tools_v1/
Current, the `Query` class uses field names (with string type) to refer fields. For example, the definition of `FilterStatement` is
case class FilterStatement(field: String,
I'm trying to download a file in chunks.
I'm making the following request:
GET https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0/drive/items/82A4826DAA392C28!5146/content
Authorization: bearer EwCA...ZxAQ==…
Anyone seeing this error when trying to upload an object? Getting it with CloudBerry and S3Browser and latest build (7 days ago.)
Previously, we were using the `text` index. As @waans11 implemented the full-text search feature in the newest AsterixDB, we need to build the full-text index and update the AQLGenerator and the SQLP…
There are some missing features in the AQLGenerator. The most important one is the `lookup` statement.
Here is one example
{ "dataset":"twitter",
"lookup": [{
... by the number of users or by population.
It could be implemented by using the `lookup` query.
Currently, in the front-end server, the `NeoActor` is sending the message directly to the `berryClient`. It works because the front-end and the middleware live in the same server which will not be the…
s3cmd is a great tool. Thanks for the development and support !
I use s3cmd on a Windows machine which is behind a proxy.
It works to connect to AWS (command "s3cmd ls") by using http but it fails wi…