I'm trying to deploy the autoscale templates with DNS. The F5 devices look to be properly provisioned, licensed, and clustered. However, they never show up as GSLB pool members on my BIG-IP DNS box. W…
/kind bug
My setup is as follows
* v0.6.2-rc0
I'm running Jupyter and I'm noticing semi frequent web socket disconnection errors; more so than in previous releases.
This is m…
jlewi updated
4 years ago
**Describe the bug**
Issues #91 and #103 issues were isolated and identified an issues with Suricata messages within pfSense being truncated at 1024bytes preventing the full message from being proper…
以下是目前还“存活”的判断域名是否被污染的方法(截至2020.5.23有效),作者可以参考作为实验功能加入 ts-dns,可以免维护 cnip & gfwlist。由于移动网络还自带 DNS 劫持污染,与电信会有不同。
向境外 DNS 服务器发送对某个域名的 NS 请求,如果直接返回 A 记录,则被查询的域名被污染。
例如,查询 jd.com 和 www…
##### Do you already have an issue opened with F5 support?
Github Issues are consistently monitored by F5 staff, but should be considered as best effort only and you should not expect to receive …
Is there multiple cluster support in this k8s-bigip integration? What we would like to have is that we have two separate clusters like `*.dc1.example.com` and `*.dc2.example.com`. In both of these clu…
Originally `ohmyglb` operator was generated with `operator-sdk` version `v0.12.0`
There is no urgent need but eventually we might want to upgrade to latest `v0.16.0` ( at the time of writing)
#### Description
The idea of this RFE is to trigger a REST call to an endpoint defined in the BIG-IP Controller configuration when there is a pool member update. This allows customization of the au…