Footer has out of date information. This should be updated or removed.
> Questions about this wiki? You can email Christina - charlow2@utk.edu, open up an issue on this GitHub repository, or bring th…
**Issue by [mjordan](https://github.com/mjordan)**
_Monday Feb 02, 2015 at 00:41 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/islandora-interest-groups/Islandora-Fedora4-Interest-Group/issues/11_
Some basic end-user documentation that needs to be written, with screenshots. The 7.x-1.x documentation has an example: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/ISLANDORA/How+to+Edit+an+Object%27s+Metadata
manez updated
8 years ago
This service would do file identification and characterization on NonRDFSources.
This microservice would:
1. Extract file identification/characterization using [FITS](http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/f…
a few of the yearbooks aren't showing up on the landing pages. for example, here's the 1971 yearbook: https://digitalcollections.barnard.edu/object/yearbook-1971/mortarboard-1971#page/1/mode/2up.
it …
An MIK toolchain for migrating books (monographs): create a CSV book filegetter/writer.
The input that Islandora Book Batch expects is documented at https://github.com/Islandora/islandora_book_batch.…
@CadenArmstrong has provided me with a sample batch set of compound compound objects that are not being ingested as expected. The sample adheres to the documentation in the README. The drush commands…
There has been several discussions on the Google list about this transformation which is from LC. The most recent conversation is https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/islandora/5yO9NkEBpI0. Here, i…
For example, where the metadata is in serialized JSON instead of MODS XML.
In preparation for the next community sprint, we'll be overhauling the middleware services to utilize PHP. While we're at it, we're reconsidering the API design in general, and are attempting to move…