When running sitespeedio in version 4.2.0, I'm currently unable to get WPT results into either the generated HTML report, nor the connected graphite database. Other data (like _gpsi_) is correctly rec…
We're seeing some cases where speedindex is reporting 0. Typically happens with sites like airhorner.com and example.com which are very simple and may have only a few frames..
We've seen these sorts …
Compared to the standard google maps Polyline, the RichPolyline doesn't line up. This can be seen by adding a google map Marker.
[2016-11-23 07:59:03] Couldn't generate the HAR from Firefox from the HAR Export Trigger.
[2016-11-23 07:59:03] ScriptTimeoutError: Timed out
at WebDriverError (/usr/src/app/node_modules/seleniu…
How will we play mpg files in browser... once embedded as a part of the html summary report.... I've tried to create experimental video --- video gets created -- but then how do I play it in browser?
i would like to use gulp-sitespeedio@0.0.8 to test my website with webpagetest.
But I get an error on my console and I dont know why. May anybody help me to find my fault, please?
``` r, engine=…
The WebPageTest metrics sent to Graphite now are the median SpeedIndex, render, TTFB and some others. I would need some more metrics WPT calculates, like `fullyLoadedCPUms` or `score_cache`.
Affects version(s) 4.0.x
It appears that visual complete time is not included in the available metric list for wpt? (See the available metrics for wpt from the metrics.txt output) I think it wou…
I hooked up my tests to a slack channel and it was working well! Great feature. Is it possible to change the metrics that are being reported to the channel?
*OS: OS X 10.11.6
Docker version 1.12.5, build 7392c3b
docker-compose version 1.9.0, build 2585387*
I'm following the directions for the [docker-compose performance-dashboard](https://www.sit…