Includes flags for towns/cities numerous counties in Massachusetts. Massive credit to BedfordAnon for most of the flags in Barnstable, Berkshire, Dukes, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester Cou…
Hi, I'm trying to use this library to derive encoders for the crossref API.
`Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to scala.collection.Seq`
The legislator API does not return OpenStates district IDs - it only provides district names. So if one wants to associate the legislator with a district from the district API, one must use the state…
I don't know if the issue is the length or something else. It does work when I try shorter/simpler literals, but it doesn't like the Magna Carta.
Bear with me...
`curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: app…
Import all old survey data and reports
Here are the data to consider. Refer #6605 as an example
Abu Dhabi Khalifa University
Australia Flinders University
Australia Methodist Ladies College
Australia Monash University
Australia …
On the info tab in 14874, the affiliation for Cha San Koh and Andrei A Korostelev is missing it's institution. It should be:
RNA Therapeutics Institute, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharm…
I found one bug that kept repeating for students in the SPP:
When students clicked on the "go back to tutor" link at the top right of the page, an exception was always thrown, saying:
FRUS Heat Map, as of August 28, 2017
![screen shot 2017-08-28 at 10 23 28 pm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8484286/29801811-9d22ea14-8c3f-11e7-809b-8df2cb330620.png)
Related to #957…
I've recently tried to implement squeezer on a website but cannot seem to get it working.
It doesn't seem to create a cached version of the images so none are returned, In the response header…