Trying to find values with an array index inside a table fails with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
table = @browser.table(:index, 0)
Causes the following:
I get the following crash report when selecting a gemset (under ruby 1.9.2p290):
9/22/11 4:59:39 PM JewelryBox[25331] An uncaught exception was raised
9/22/11 4:59:39 PM JewelryBox[25331] **\* …
sauy7 updated
13 years ago
Just got this bundling an app for the first time on ruby-1.9.3-preview1. I'm running these:
⚡ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3dev (2011-07-31 revision 32789) [x86_64-darwin11.0.1]
⚡ gem -v
⚡ bundle -v
Just want to bring up this issue, which might happen to someone else out there.
I have a set of cucumber tests, and one of them has a @javascript tag. I found that the DB got truncated each time…
moom updated
13 years ago
Installed bundler with `gem install bundler --pre`
During gems installation with `bundle install` - got an error:
Using paperclip ( Unfortunately, a fatal error has occurred. Please rep…
Hello, i allways get an error when i try to run the setup of jobsworth.
I used the "rvm" to install ruby 1.9.2, installed all the needed libs, configured the database and the error doesn't stop.
The error described in issue #90 has reappeared in my bundler environment, but does not occur outside of it. I am including the exact gem versions from both cases in this report, below, for your debu…
After installing 0.5.0 and generating the support files when running rake cucumber I see this exception raised:
I can't install capybara-webkit on my machine. This is the backtrace on a fresh rvm install of ruby 1.9.2-p280:
Last login: Wed Aug 3 23:40:39 on ttys001
afcapel@Stragon ~ % rvm use --default 1.9.2…
~> ruber
/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruber-0.0.10/lib/ruber/world/environment.rb:82: warning: already initialized constant DEFAULT_HINTS
ruber(12178) KXMLGUI::ActionList::plug: Index 13 is not withi…