#### What are you trying to achieve?
Setting up an working API test suite in Symfony
#### What do you get instead?
Annotation errors on _some_ Doctrine annotations but not all. E.g. Table, Entity, …
One should be able to upgrade a petset through the standard kubectl rolling-update syntax. While it's desirable to have a controlled upgrade strategy (eg: deployments), it may not be necessary for bet…
#### What are you trying to achieve?
Run tests...
#### What do you get instead?
> Provide console output if related. Use `-vvv` mode for more details.
docker-compose run test buil…
hello, I just try the start glassfish V3 for the first time, and it failed.
I downloaded it yesterday, and I had the JDK6 in the path. I have Windows XP 64bit.
I choose all the default setting excep…
#### What are you trying to achieve?
I want to avoid CodeCoverage on remote
#### What do you get instead?
file_get_contents(http://localhost//c3/report/clear): failed to open stream: HTTP r…
Code: https://github.com/Tangerine-Community/Tangerine/tree/v3.x.x/client-v3
## Related User Stories
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- Editor can quickly edit forms on a wea…
When executing php-cs-fixer I always receive the following error:
In ConfigurationResolver.php line 745:
The rules contain unknown fixers: "php_unit_fqcn_annotation", "phpdoc_types" (did …
The error message is explanatory, but I ran the -vv output just to be sure.
PHP Fatal error: Interface 'React\Http\ServerInterface' not found in /Users/rsoileau/Sites/dns_extractor/vendor/php…
Inspired by this little [tweetstorm](https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/710642981016100864).
## Problem: Side Effects and Composition
We discussed effects in Redux for ages here but this is the f…
#### What are you trying to achieve?
To click button
#### What do you get instead?
> Provide console output if related. Use `-vvv` mode for more details.
docker-compose run tes…